music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething
Bad Timing
So, no sooner do I start this blog thing than my computer gives out. This means that postings have to be done when I get the chance elsewhere and are fewer than I'd like. Technology and I seem to have a fairly rocky relationship.
By the way, Bad Timing is also the title of the last great film directed by Nic Roeg. It's a psychological spy story with an extraordinary performance by Art Garfunkel that makes it hard to listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water in quite the same way again. When I was a student and video rentals had to be made the most of I once watched it three times in the space of one weekend. I think it might have had a damaging effect on me... Can't quite grasp if it's on DVD at all but it is truly worth checking out if you like your movies dark and psychologically screwed up.
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