music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething
Dungen Rocks!

This record is truly rocking my world. European 70s-inflexed psychedelia at its most melodic. Catch them live at Camden Barfly on May 13th and be the coolest kid on the block. Posted by Hello
Blogger Corny said...
Hey Ian,
I got that Dungen when it came out here. All the guys at my local record shop said it was the shit, I however was kind, eh. I don't mind a little psych/progrock in my life but I couldn't really get into it. But your post is making me think I gotta go back and listen again.

Blogger Ian Mac said...
What was that old joke about four hundred record store clerks dying in a fire at a Yo La Tengo gig? I think this record is a bit like that - it's very much a record-store-guy's wet dream. But I had to persevere too and it's worth it in the end. He has a really nagging way with a melody but the wigging out can seem to overwhelm it. It takes time but it just clicked at one point and I really cannot get enough of it. Then again, one of my favourite songs when I was about ten was Radar Love by Golden Earring so go figure ...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I don't enjoy it at the Barfly, is there an ian mac money back guarantee?

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