A couple of years back, on a hot summer afternoon at Barcelona's
Sonar Festival, three men in boiler suits took to the stage. For the next half an hour they rocked the joint - like a latter day Devo if they'd ripped off Motorhead's stage show (cheaply). This was Datarock. H0w can you not love a band with a song titled
I Used To Dance With My Daddy or another containing the lyrical couplet "I am into S&M/Are you butch or are you femme?" Their record releases have been limited to a couple of hard to buy EPs released only in Norway, but now they finally have an album out. I managed to order it online from a Finnish record shop today, but I'm too excited about it to even wait to review it. You can get a foretaste
here but in the meantime I intend to spread the word on Datarock. My friend Boadwee is going to go ape over this record - I'm certain of it. As utterly ridiculous as Turbonegro, this will be the summer soundtrack round our way.