This page has been getting a little cerebral of late, so thanks be to Valhalla for last night's storming Turbonegro show at the Islington Academy. As you can see from the picture, Turbonegro look absolutely ridiculous, but as Adam Ant famously said, ridicule is nothing to be scared of. I would ordinarily be tempted to dismiss a band like this as a slight joke, but fortunately for them Turbonegro put on one of the greatest rock and roll shows of modern times. Imagine Queen, Kiss, Motley Crue, The Ramones and Spinal Tap put into a Norwegian blender. Throw in songs called
Blow Me (like The Wind),
City Of Satan,
Sell Your Body (To The Night) and
Rendevous With Anus and how can you resist? This is pure good time rock and roll at its best, tuneful and rousing and a fantastic knees up. Last night's show was an hour and a half of absolute pure fun, which is not something you'd say of many concerts I usually go to. In a world where the Darkness can sell stadium shows and have number one Christmas hits it's inexplicable that Turbonegro remain such a secret.