music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething
Marfa, Texas

How much do I love you? Famous as the town where JamesDean appeared in the film Giant and the home of uber-minimalist Donald Judd, the greatest artist of the second half of the 20th century (and if you want to pick a fight with me about that then go ahead). So good I named the world's most pampered dog after you. I'm in the mood for a long eulogy to the Pride of Texas, but sadly I don't have the time right now. This is a temporary posting. Do come back for much, much more. Posted by Hello
Blogger Mark said...
What's not to love? Glad you love our town! When you coming back? October, like the rest of the flock? Well, that makes three dogs named "Marfa" that I know of. Great name - but doesn't it piss you off when someone tries to correct you saying "Martha?" - as ifffff you've got some speech impedement? ____________________
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