Gather round all you music nerds. The Vanity Fair writers David Kamp and Steven Daly have finally got round to compiling several years' worth of their annual Rock Snob column into a book. If you've never read the annual Vanity Fair music issue you'll have missed out on their pin-point summaries of the various cult figures, genres, and ridiculous descriptive terms used by the sort of people who write for Mojo or work in the Rough Trade shop. People much like myself in fact. The great thing about their writing is that it's sarcastic and affectionate in equal measure - as befits someone like Daly, who was in his youth the original drummer for the
seminal Glasgow band Orange Juice before becoming a big cheese Stateside journalist. Boadwee prompted me to mention this, but anyone who enjoys reading the nonsense I write on here will be shocked to see how close it comes to some of the Rock Snob entries, which you can access right