music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething

Originally uploaded by IanMac1.

Wow - look at what comes up first if you type 'aaargh' into Google images.
What's got my goat now? Stupid brainless spam blog replies, that's what. I don't want a fucking cello - and I'm not interested in your courses and seminars. You're getting in the way of genuine replies, from Boadwee and Corny (thank you both) and I wish I knew how to stop the unwanted crap coming through.

Blogger hitch said...
I totally agree withthe comments about spam replies, especially when you get excited thinking that someone has actually taken the time to read your musings only to find that it's an offer of insurance.

And they are getting more clever. I had one today that started off saying "I really enjoy reading your blog" and then trailed off onto spam mail.

Ban them all!

Blogger boadwee blog said...
i'm having an issue with spam replies as well. i tried to block them by enabling the thing that makes the person commenting enter text into a box but now corny tells me she can't comment at all on my blog. oh, since you've gone i'm giving comments a trial run. anyway, try posting a comment on my blog and let me know what happens? how are you you? i hope the holiday was wonderful. no news here at all. kenny's a bit under the weather but mostly we're fine. got andy's comics and kenny's purchased some things for you so you should be looking forward to a lovely package of goodies soon. i've been obsessed with my blog lately. besides sex it's the only thing i seem to be able to generate any interest in at all! miss you like mad. xo kb

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Blogger hitch said...
Hmm, are these spam blogs an automatic thing or are some people now being purposely annoying?

If you're a spam-mailer and reading this, No we are not interested.

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