I've had a whole morning to myself. The reason there have been so few posts here recently is that I've not had a morning to myself for a while, nor an afternoon, and often not much of an evening. This is because of the BBC 2 series Secret Of Drawing, which starts this Saturday, and has been keeping me busy for the last couple of intensive months.
So I took Marfa out, made some tea, went into a daydream, and in the daydream I was thinking of all the posts I could and should have written had there been the time. The transcendence of Arcade Fire at Electric Picnic - quite possibly the most emotional live performance I've seen this decade. The greatness of the artist George Shaw. The Marc Quinn sculpture in Trafalgar Square and the political inability to objectively criticise it. Andrew O'Hagan's brilliant piece on the New Orleans disaster in the current LRB (which can be read in full by the curious and the patient by clicking on the London Review link to the right.) Keren Ann at Bush Hall - nearly as emotional as Arcade Fire. The lunacy of spending £17 on a pair of socks. The pleasure of wearing marino wool socks whatever the cost. Kate Bush is back. The cost of shower enclosures and mosaic tiling. Kate Moss and that drug stuff.
And then I fell out of daydreaming and onto the laptop and quickly realised that I had to go to a digital film grading session and, once again, it will all have to wait.
But it's a start...
The Secret of Drawing sounds cool, and mysterious...
or maybe it's a kooky romantic comedy or something.