Happy New Year to you all.
Well, crappy Resolutions aside, I've vowed to make more of an effort to keep this page updated in the coming year. For starters, I've made the colour more friendly and less funereal so I don't appear too dour. That aside, really big changes are afoot, which is part of the vow to make this a more regular forum for what's going on.
A mere ten days before Christmas I got a call from my agency asking if I would be interested in a big job for the BBC. The snag, as it were, was this - it's based in Glasgow, my home town I left 18 years ago. But the job, about which more in the days to come when I have a bigger grasp of what I'm doing, was too good to pass up. After a long interview I snagged the gig, and so tomorrow I go to Glasgow to house hunt and meet the team. This means that weekdays will be spent up there, with as many weekends as I can conceivably manage catching up with my 'real life' down south.
I'm excited, trepidatious, amazed and flabbergasted all at once. A mere two weeks or so ago this wasn't even a blip on the radar, now it's the template for 2006. Blimey - the things life throws at you.
So the deal is this - I have more time on my hands, no more slacking, and this site will be my way of staying in touch with everyone at once (though you'll all get calls and letters and the usual personal stuff too).
Stay tuned - and hopefully the new colour is an improvement. When I get the chance I'll redo the links section too, and add some more.