music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething
Question Time
Last night I was trying to complete the blog entries promised below when I got distracted by hitting the random blog search button, and came across a page that had a questionnaire attached. I'm afraid I'm a sucker for these kinds of things, so I copied it onto my laptop and had an enjoyably distracted late night session of filling it in. Also, I'm encouraging my fellow bloggers (yes, that means you Hitchman and Boadwee) to give their own versions of this.

1. Do you still have tonsils? Yes
2. Would you bungee jump? No – despite the many surprising physical things I’ve attempted this year
3. If You Could Do Anything In The World For A Living What Would It Be? Late night radio DJ.
4. How many tattoos do you have? None. And it’s a bit late in life to start getting them now, I think.
5. Your favorite fictional animal? Snoopy
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? Chris Morris
7. Do you consider yourself well organized? I am way better organized than I used to be, but it’s still pretty erratic
8. Any Addictions? I think I may have a genuine problem when it comes to buying CDs
9. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? The Guardian newspaper, and the Today programme on Radio 4 every morning.
10. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus? Carnival.
11. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? A pop star.
12. Best Movie You've Seen This Year? Ha ha. I watched ‘Capote’ on DVD and that was about it. Can I have best gig instead? Radiohead, Empress Ballroom Blackpool.
13. Favorite alcoholic drink? Beer, sadly.
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? That depends where I’m waking up. This year it could be anywhere. But usually it’s say hello to the dog and cuddle Andy, not necessarily in that order.
15. Siblings? 2 sisters
17. Have you ever gone to therapy? Yes. But not for very long.
18. If you could have one super power what would it be? To fly.
19. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? Of course.
20. Have you ever gone camping? A few times – usually at music festivals.
21. Gas prices! First thought? That this questionnaire was put together by an American with a big car.
22. Your favorite cartoon character? Charlie Brown.
23. What was your first car? Ha ha – I’m still waiting to have my first official driving lesson
24. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? No
25. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? The Simpsons.
26. Do you go to church? No
27. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Ralf Hütter
28. What errand/chore do you despise? Ironing.
29. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? I wish I was in London now.
30. Last time you puked from drinking? At a Sonic Youth gig in Glasgow, 1986. Too many cheap vodkas with orange concentrate beforehand. Other than that I have always managed to be just the right side of throwing up.
31. What is your heritage? Scottish
32. Favorite flower? Alium
33. Disney or Warner Bros? Warner Bros. Tweety Pie is a truly magnificent comic creation.
34. What is your best childhood memory? When I was about five, I disappeared when my gran was looking after me. I had run into the cafe near Kinning Park underground station and persuaded some workmen in there to give me money for the jukebox. She found me sitting with them, listening to the records I had put on (one of which was definitely 'Love Grows Where My Rosemary Grows' by Edison Lighthouse. Make what you will of this anecdote in light of my future life interests.
35. Your favorite potato chip? Tyrrel’s organic, I’m afraid. Very posh.
36. What is your favorite candy? Sports Mixtures
37. Do you burn or tan? Burn.
38. Astrological sign? A typically sensitive and home-loving Cancer.
39. Do you own a gun? Ah yes, this was definitely compiled by a Yank.
40. What do you think of hot dogs? It can only be a Nathan’s on Coney Island. Though the ones we used to get at the ABC cinema in Glasgow in the 70s were a close second.
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