music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething
Marvel Comic
... or comic marvel. You decide.
Hitch and I were alerted to this amazing bit of footage during one of the Saint Etienne Turntable Cafe events at London's South Bank Centre. Turntable Cafe is consistently one of the greatest nights out in the capital and updates on when they are happening can usually be found here. Any 'club' that has a jazz band playing a live soundtrack to the Charlie Brown Christmas TV special, Saint Etienne covering Cliff Richard's latest Christmas single live, screens William Klein's incredible film Qui Etes Vous Polly Maggoo? while playing Sheila B. Devotion and Stereolab and interviews the creators of the BBC kids' series Fingerbobs is okay by me and then some.
Absolute genius bit of archive film, thank you You Tube.
Turntable Cafe is fast becoming one of my favourite nights out, and the Brigette Bardot documentary was a moment of Genius. Thank you Bob and Pete from St Etienne!
Turntable Cafe is fast becoming one of my favourite nights out, and the Brigette Bardot documentary was a moment of Genius. Thank you Bob and Pete from St Etienne!