music + culture + random odd stuff from the mind of a fortysomething
"Nice scarf!"

Next to a certain bunch of evangelical Canada residents, the band/record that has got me the most excited this year has been LCD Soundsystem. Like their breakthrough song Losing My Edge states - I was there. A friend burned me a CD of their really early tracks and I loved them. Stupidly, however, I never bothered to see them live because, as I think most people probably have presumed, it's just going to be some chubby guy with some computers and a backing track.
Jeez was I wrong on that one. (To my eternal shame I can't believe I passed up on them on the small club stage at an ATP three years ago.) LCD live is one of the most astounding, rocking spectacles. By the end of their show at the Astoria in March I was sweaty, deaf and exhausted. Very deaf. It was as loud as Motorhead, and I was way nearer the stage too. By a strange synchronicity, I saw this show the night after the first AF gig at Brixton Academy, and LCD will now be supporting them on their North American tour. Spooky.
anyhow, tonight in a bit of mindless browsing I came across this performance on David Letterman. Excellent.
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